Thursday, June 9, 2011

Sea Shell Mini Album-Part 2 Digital Pages

Using Websters Page "Yacht Club" Papers to go with the embellishments on the cover which is mostly 
Webster's Pages Embellishments. I made the following Pages. I've also included a clipping mask for digital scrappers. Just Click on Image below to enlarge and save to your computer.
To get the digital papers and embellishments I used visit. 


  1. wow...this seashell hybrid is a unique idea I'd not seen before. Cool!

  2. Lovely sea shell diares...What an innovative idea.I like the mini album .It have been decorated gorgeously.

  3. This guy inspires so much. What a dedication! I wish I had met him and also, I wished I was rich so I could give him the money to finish it the work.


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